Punxsutawney Area Hospital is partnering with SAFE-T System (Sexual Assault Telehealth System) to enhance sexual assault care in the region.


Punxsutawney Area Hospital  is partnering with SAFE-T System (Sexual Assault Telehealth System) to enhance sexual assault care in the region.
 "We are excited to partner with SAFE-T System to enhance care for those seeking help for sexual assault at our hospital." said Paula Spack, Vice President of Patient Care Services said. "Having expert nurses available 24/7 to support our staff and our patients is invaluable." SAFE-T System was launched with support from the Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime as a solution to enhance access to high-quality sexual assault care in underserved communities. When someone presents to the Punxsutawney Area Hospital after experiencing sexual violence, they will immediately have access to a board-certified sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE). SANEs have extensive experience in the provision of sexual assault care and thanks to SAFE-T System’s specialized forensic telehealth technology, their expertise can be accessed by our community. Typically, access to SANEs with this level of training and experience is often limited to large, urban sexual assault centers. However, Punxsutawney Area Hospital’s innovative partnership with SAFE-T System makes it possible to have this expertise locally. The SAFE-T System telehealth SANE (teleSANE) can see the live exam in progress, ensuring best practices, proper evidence collection, and a safe and supportive environment for the patient. "The expert nurse appears on a screen where they can talk to and support both the onsite nurse and the patient," said Sheridan Miyamoto, Assistant Professor of Nursing at Penn State and Director of the SAFE-T Center. "This is a true partnership. Our goal is to make sure the on-site nurse feels supported and confident during the exam and that the patient knows that they are getting the best care possible." Sexual assault forensic examinations are free to patients and no cost is incurred for SAFE-T System telehealth support. Forensic examination services are available at the PAH Emergency Department 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Click Here for more information about SAFE-T.
