Punxsutawney Area Hospital Foundation

Punxsutawney Area Hospital Foundation
The mission of the Punxsutawney Area Hospital Foundation is to advance community health and wellness through philanthropy and support of Punxsutawney Area Hospital.
Founding Board Directors: Bottom Row Left to Right: Courtney Grube, PharmD; Clark Simpson, M.D., Chair; Frank Roberts Back Row Left to Right: Jim Curtis, CLU; Jack Sisk, Secretary/ Treasurer; Jon Johnston, DMD, Vice Chair Missing from the picture: Sam Smith
- Punxsutawney is a proud community. We are bound by a common heritage, shared values, and a history of resilience. We enjoy solid relationships and coming together to work toward shared causes. Our Punxsutawney community plays an important role in every aspect of our lives. We have communities in our friends, our families, our neighborhoods, and in our hospital. We value our hospital because it is much more than a facility. We value the commitment of skilled professionals and their commitment to provide a personalized and compassionate level of care. We also recognize that our dedicated healthcare providers require not only excellent medical facilities, but also the best medical equipment and technology available.
Hospital leaders have recently organized and incorporated the Punxsutawney Area Hospital Foundation to advance community health and wellness through philanthropy and support of Punxsutawney Area Hospital. In addition to offsetting financial challenges, a solid supporting foundation can help promote community collaborations, build loyalty and improve broader awareness of the hospital’s services. The PAH Foundation will provide individuals and organizations with a reliable and effective means to demonstrate their philanthropy, volunteer their support and invest in their community’s wellness.
The PAH Foundation will provide donors with the certainty they require that each dollar invested will remain in Punxsutawney and for the exclusive use at our hospital. Gifts to the Punxsutawney Area Hospital Foundation will make it possible for the hospital’s legacy of quality and compassionate care to continue for generations to come. Through their generosity, every donor becomes a partner and every gift makes a difference in the lives of others. Our Punxsutawney community has a Proud Past, and together we will make a Solid Future.
Donation Information
Punxsutawney Area Hospital has served our families and our neighbors for generations. Each year, we continue to improve our hospital based on the needs of our community. Some of the challenges the hospital faces today include:
Maintaining its position as a community operated hospital in a turbulent health care environment.
Growing its staff and services to keep pace with the expanding definition of primary care. Adapting the hospital's facilities, staff and equipment to technology that enables many surgical procedures to be performed on an outpatient basis.
Make a donation today!
If you wish to discuss donation possibilities contact the Public Relations Office at 814-938-1827 or send your donation to:
Punxsutawney Area Hospital Foundation, 81 Hillcrest Drive, Punxsutawney PA 15767