PAH is Preparing for the First CARE Award Recipient
Posted on March 08, 2024 in Latest News

The CARE Award Recognition program was established at the Punxsutawney Area Hospital to promote and highlight the extraordinary efforts of members of our workforce. PAH recognizes that being a successful organization and providing the best care possible to our patients is a collaborative effort.
The CARE award is a recognition program for non-nursing employees at the Punxsutawney Area Hospital. The CARE program will recognize hard-working individuals of the organization who do not qualify for the DAISY Award but serve an equally significant part for our organization. Infromation about the DAISY Award can be found by clicking here. During National Hospital Week 2024, which is May 12th through May18th, the first CARE Award Recipient will be announced. This award will be presented to one staff member annually. The Top CARE Nominees will also be announced during this time as well. To qualify for a CARE award, a staff member must exhibit the following:
C= Compassion and Care for the patients that are served, for job the staff member does, and how the employee treats fellow co-workers and visitors
A= Admirable attributes possessed and displayed in the job that staff member does
R= Respect shown for patients, visitors, coworkers, and the job that staff member does at PAH
E= Excellence in the job that is performed.
Anyone may submit a nomination: patients, family members, co-workers, physicians, staff - anyone who experiences or observes extraordinary compassionate care being provided by any staff member or witnesses the staff member performing their job in an exemplary manner. The nomination forms can be found at this link, paper copies can be found throughout the hospital, or by filling out this online form.
The nominees can be submitted year-round. The cutoff date for nominations to be considered for this year's announcement will be Friday, April 19th. Any nominations received after that date we will be in consideration for the next cycle. PAH is excited to recognize the hard work and exemplary efforts of the staff. Nominations for the DAISY Award can be submitted year-round as well. A DAISY Recipient is selected 3 times a year at PAH.
For more information about the CARE Award Click Here.