DAISY Award Recipient announced:
Posted on May 19, 2024 in Latest News

The Punxsutawney Area Hospital honored Melissa Sturrock, as a DAISY Award recipient.
The DAISY award is part of a national nursing recognition program called the DAISY Foundation. An acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System, The DAISY Foundation was formed in November 1999, by the family of J. Patrick Barnes who died at age 33 of complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). The nursing care Patrick received when hospitalized profoundly touched his family. Today, DAISY proudly honors nurses wherever they practice, in whatever role they serve, and throughout their careers- from nursing student through lifetime achievement. The mission of the DAISY Foundation is to express gratitude to nurses that recognize them for the extraordinary compassionate, skillful care they provide patients and families. By honoring compassionate nurses, DAISY reinforces the importance of compassion in healthcare
Mel graduated from Marion Center High School in 1986, then attended ICM School of Business in Pittsburgh to become a Medical Assistant. After a couple of moves, she took night classes at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks, where she finished her BSN at the University of AK Anchorage in 1996. “I knew I always wanted to become an RN, I just had to learn some life lessons first”, stated Mel.
Her first job was in a level 3 maternity unit in Anchorage where she stayed for 4 years until her and her husband moved back to PA after their first son was born. She then proceeded to OB nurse for 17 years. Mel received her MS in the Nursing Education Track at IUP in 2012 and taught clinicals on OB for Lock Haven University as well as working as a fulltime staff nurse.
Mel stated, “I tried my hand at full time teaching at Jeff Tech for 3 years, but I just missed OB entirely too much. So that's how I landed PAH 4 years ago, and I am truly thankful that I did! PAH has restored my faith in healthcare, it is a hospital that really cares for its community. Everyone was so welcoming, caring, and helpful from my very first day”.
When asked about what the best part of her job is, she stated, “In the 28 years I have been an RN, I can honestly say the very best part of being a nurse to me is making a connection with someone and knowing you were able to make their journey a little bit better”.
Whether that has been as a bedside nurse, teacher, or mentor; nursing has given Mel the opportunity to be of help in times of need. Mel shared that, “It has been an honor and a privilege to share some of the happiest and hardest of days with patients and their families. I am so thankful for the experiences I have had as a nurse and for the people who have helped me throughout the years- most of all my family and coworkers”.
When asked about how she feels about being named a DAISY Recipient, “I feel beyond honored and humbled for this award, but also feel there are so many nurses at PAH who give their all every shift here and deserve it as well - I was just fortunate enough to have a kind person take the time to fill out a form, for which I am very grateful.” For more information about the DAISY Foundation, visit www.pah.org.